Friday, November 7, 2014

Black and White

Store: H&M | Location: Yorktown Center, Lombard, IL

I have quite a few posts on displays from H&M, so if you couldn't tell, it's one of my favorite places to shop. I loved this display because of the black and white color scheme, so it automatically gets an A+ from me. I love that they alternated the black and white stands for the mannequins. It adds visual interest and makes your eyes travel, so there is definitely rhythm in this display. I also liked how the two big posters in the back contrasted each other and were opposites (one is white with the model wearing black, and vice versa). Like I said in the previous H&M post, the posters in this display also help to tie in the whole display and really emphasize the black and white theme.  
This display was very balanced and proportioned. You can't really tell since this picture was taken from an angle, but trust me, everything was perfectly centered and symmetrical when looked straight at it. My only criticism about this window is that it feels a bit cluttered because of the black and white squares on the bottom, but other than that, I think this display proved to be very successful and showcased the principles of design very well. 


  1. I really love this window display. I think the black and white color scheme is chic and modern. The window display is over all visually appealing because the color scheme is so consistent throughout the entire window. The mannequins have on black and white, the stands are black and white, and the posters are black and white. It's really easy on the eye for consumers. I also think the price point by the mannequins are effective and draws a crowd into the store.

  2. So simple and chic! As far as design principles they kept it clean and followed the rules. The balance of the mannequins and the other display elements are done well. As well as the proportion of all the display elements. People may say that Black and White do not capture the consumer as much but I think that with the help of the black and white box lighting it certainly works!
